Nintendo Force Magazine, “A Wonderful Surprise”

Hello guys,

today I decided I’d write something a little different. I decided I should write about some of my favorite Nintennerd gear. This time I chose my favorite magazine of all: Nintendo Force Magazine!

About a year ago, I felt an itch urging me to look for a magazine I frequently read when I was a child. It went by the name of Nintendo Power and I’m sure some of you have heard of it and maybe were even subscribers! Of course, those of you may also be aware that Nintendo Power was shut down in 2012… I was only 2 years late. I was disappointed to say the least and was pretty sad that a part of my childhood was now gone and I haven’t even known.


January/February 2013

A few days later, I decided I’d Google why the company shut down knowing that it was probably because of money. And sure enough, that was the reason. Lucky for me, the page I was looking at was a yahoo answers page with somebody asking the same question as I did. I decided I’d read multiple of the answers that were posted and one of them caught my eye. There was a guy who answered and included a link to a magazine by the name of NF magazine (Nintendo Force Magazine) and said it was like a sort of successor to Nintendo Power. I decided I’d check it out. After browsing their online store I decided I’d give them a chance. I subscribed.


March/April 2014

After about a week, I got my first issue in the mail. It had Mario Kart 8 on the cover (to the left) and a free poster (depicted in the feature photo of this post)! Woo-hoo! As I opened up the pages for the first time I was impressed by how amazing the magazine looked. It’s a young magazine. 2015 marks the beginning of its third year. I was very happy with what I saw and knew this was the beginning of a long term relationship with this company. I wish them the best with continued success for many years to come.

Several months later, I began to take notice of another part of the magazine. It isn’t actually a part of the magazine itself but was set up by the guys who write for the mag. A weekly podcast hosted by two guys that I’ve since-then become very used to seeing: Evan Campbell and Noah Ward. They host something on YouTube called the NF Show and it acts as a sort of supplement to the magazine since the magazine only comes once every 2 months. Before I knew it, their show became part of my regular routine.


January/February 2015 issue

Now it’s been almost a year since I first discovered NF Magazine. They are recently going through their second Kickstarter ever. With only a little over two weeks left, they’ve already met their goal and are trying their best to get as many subscribers as possible to complete their many stretch goals (posters in every issue). It looks like it’s going to be another very Nintendo-filled year.

I am so excited to have joined the Force. I am forever grateful that they decided to step up and fill the hole that Nintendo Power left behind when it closed down. I hope NF Magazine will be around for a very long time. Best of luck to the Kickstarter! Lets reach those stretch goals!



Useful Links: NF Magazine Website || NF Magazine Kickstarter

Images Used: NF Magazine Mario Kart 8 Poster Image || Cover Images NF Magazine

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